KSDA Hall of fame

2020 Inductee
Pam Young

Pam Young

Topeka, Kansas

Pamela “Pam” Young began square dancing in 1980 followed by round dance lessons in 1984 and she was instantly hooked on both. Through the encouragement of Chris and Kay Christian, Pam started cueing rounds for the Shooting Stars Square Dance Club in Topeka, becoming their regular cuer in September, 1985. In 1986, she became the cuer for Plus Square Dance Club, Topeka. About the same time, she co-founded LP’s Rounds in Topeka, a dance club offering round dancing. In addition, she co-hosted two workshop groups and a basic round dance class. During 1986, Pam participated in the ROUNDALAB tenth annual convention. Her passion and devotion to round dancing continues to the present.

Pam received instruction from the Goss/Easterday Round Dance Instructor School as well as the Charlie and Bettye Procter Round Dance Instructor School. Together with her husband, Tom, she attended the Herr/Noble Round Dance Teacher School and the Kansas City National Teachers Association (NTA) Dance Camp for line dance instruction and figure execution in addition to countless other round dance classes through the years.

Tom Young began square dancing in 1962 and the year 1995 saw Pam and Tom step forward on their dancing journey together. Since that time, they have taught round dance lessons at least once each year, and often, multiple classes annually. Pam has been the featured cuer/instructor at numerous weekend and special dance events and has also conducted workshops and cued at several Kansas State and National Square Dance Conventions.

In June and July of 2010, Pam and Tom along with Ron and Mary Noble of Yuma, AZ, and John and Karen Herr from Larkspur, CO hosted a week-long round dance teachers’ school at Croco Hall in Tecumseh. Apart from this, they have frequently mentored new cuers throughout the years. In July 2015, Pam and Tom received their 30-year ROUNDALAB teaching certificate as well as the distinguished Maestro Badge.

Pam and Tom are currently the cuer and spouse for Swingin’ Singles Square Dance Club in Shawnee, Frontier Twirlers Square Dance Club, Osawatomie, Pistols & Petticoats Square Dance Club in Gladstone, MO; Ottawa Promenaders; Ottawa; and Friendship Rounds in Paola. Pam and Tom founded Friendship Rounds ten years ago following a request from round dancers in that area to start a new club.

Pam has served in the following club positions in the square and round dance arena: charter president of Plus Squares Square Dance Club; president of Shooting Stars Square Dance Club; and they served as president of Wheatheart Square Dance Club, Topeka, KS. Pam and Tom have served on many club committees throughout the years. Pam and Tom don’t just provide cueing to local clubs, they also donate much extra time and effort for dance set-up and other tasks; they donate food, door prizes, and other items to the clubs.

At a district and state level, Pam and Tom served as 2nd vice chairman of Northeast District KSDA and northeast district KSDA club delegate for Shooting Stars. They were assistant dancer coordinator for the Kansas State Convention and dance coordinator for the State Convention. They have served in the capacities of president, vice president and secretary of the Kansas State Square Dance Callers Association (KSDCA), as well as president, executive vice president, historian, and board member of the Kansas Round Dance Association (KRDA). Pam and Tom have attended most of the Kansas State Conventions over the past 40 years, serving on numerous committees and have cued at many State Conventions.

In the national arena, Pam and Tom have served on the ROUNDALAB Board of Directors and have been active through the years on committees and instrumental in working with ROUNDALAB on dance figures and assigning phases to specific cues. They previously held the office of president of the Mid-America Round Dance Teachers Association (MARDTA).

Pam and Tom have attended and cued at several National Square Dance Conventions. They were the vice chairman for “Sew and Save” for the 57th National Square Dance Convention, in charge of “Hearing Assist” for the 67th National Square Dance Convention, and Pam modeled in the style show at the 34th National Square Dance Convention.

They are past or current members of: Kansas Square Dance Association, Kansas Square Dance Callers Association, Northeast District Kansas Square Dance Callers Association, Kansas Round Dance Association, ROUNDALAB, and Kansas Round Dance Teachers Association. They have also been members of: Mid-America Round Dance Teachers Association (MARDTA}, Dixie Round Dance Council, Oklahoma Round Dance Association, Texas Round Dance Association, Missouri Round Dance Association, and Universal Round Dance Council.

The Youngs are deeply passionate about square and round dancing, selflessly volunteering their time, talent, and resources to serve as officers in organizations to support, encourage, and keep dancing alive. They have mentored and trained new cuers, providing ongoing support and encouragement along the way. Pam and Tom have dedicated themselves to teaching the art of round dancing with the fun and friendship that goes along with it. They continually support and encourage dancers as they work their way through the phases of round dance. Pam and Tom don’t just show up to cue a dance; rather, they show up to ensure the dancers have quality cueing, with an evening of friendship, fellowship, and fun. They drive many miles to dances so the dancers can enjoy the evening, often bringing goodies, door prizes and gifts to give away. Their kindness and passion is felt throughout the clubs they serve.

Pam and Tom have been dancing more than 40 years and cueing for 34 years, making significant contributions to the fun and success of square and round dancing in Kansas and the nation. They have touched many lives throughout the years and taught many people to dance. Words cannot describe the appreciation dancers have for them and the many years of dancing enjoyment provided because of their dedication to round dance instruction and ongoing support for the dancers. While they will be missed in the Kansas dance circuit once they retire, they have left a legacy that will forever bear the fingerprints of their selfless contributions of time, talent, and resources. We extend best wishes to Pam and Tom Young for many years of happiness as they step forward on a new journey with exciting adventures ahead.