KSDA Hall of fame

2023 Inductee
Allen & Marsha Hahn

Allen & Marsha Hahn

Hesston, Kansas

Allen & Marcia Hahn were miles apart when they each enjoyed an introduction to square dancing around 1960 when Allen was in a Shawnee Grade School 6th grade class and Marcia was in a Marshall County 4-H club. Allen was a sophomore and Marcia a freshman at K-State in 1967 when those childhood experiences led each of them to Hoedowners (later K-Laires), the campus club at Kansas State University. Ken Oppenlander was the club caller who taught lessons and organized a double square exhibition group (two couples on each side of the square). Allen and Marcia were 1 of the couples in this group that performed at various dances in the area, but the highlights were performing at the 1969 Kansas State Convention in Topeka and 1970 State Convention at Wichita’s Century II.

Allen had gotten the bug to call while still at KSU, so when Ken O. offered caller classes for interested club members, he signed up and Marcia tagged along to dance in the practice square. Interestingly enough, that summer Marcia found herself teaching basic square dance movements to her home 4-H club members! For the next school year, she was the President of the newly named K-Laires at K-State.

As with many couples from Hoedowners, Allen & Marcia decided to establish a permanent relationship and were married in 1971. After three years in the Dallas, TX, area, Allen accepted an engineering job with Hesston Corporation and they returned to Kansas, making their home in Hesston, where they still reside. Since Hesston did not have a square dance club, Allen was ready to start one. In the spring of 1975, a square of people started lessons in the Hahn basement, followed by another set of lessons. By January 1976, a new club was formed, Shoe Scuffers. Allen has taught all the club’s mainstream and plus lessons except 2, and sometimes that required calling while dancing to fill out a square, even calling while dancing the woman’s part! Through the years they have served the club as president, treasurer, and on various committees.

Allen & Marcia have attended 8 National Conventions, starting with Kansas City in 1975 with a baby in arms. In addition to dancing, they have attended seminars on recruiting new dancers and growing the activity, as well as Allen calling and attending caller seminars. In 2008 Allen was Chair of the Sound Committee for the 2008 National Convention in Wichita.

Participating in local and state square dance organizations has been important to the Hahns. Allen has been a member of the Wichita Area Square Dance Callers Association (WASDCA) and its predecessor for about 30 years and held offices of Vice-President and Secretary at various times. He was also a member of the Kansas Square Dance Callers Association (KSDCA), and has held the offices of Treasurer, Vice-President, and currently President. As dancers, they have been members of KSDA and attended most state conventions with Allen calling at many.

In the Wichita area they have served 2 terms on the Federation Committee, which plans and organizes the Spring & Fall Festivals. They have been Vice-Chair, Chair, and just finished a tenure as Treasurer. Currently they continue to work with the half-pot drawing, setup, decorating, and other festival features. Marcia developed and coordinates the Gold District sticker program and is currently Vice-President of the KSDA Gold District. For the 2022 Fall Festival, Allen and Marcia felt it was a true honor to be part of the festival Spotlight Trio with Karen being named the Half-Pot Queen. She was so excited!

Allen has been Program Chair for the State Convention for many years. In 2020 he led the effort to have square dancing designated as the Kansas State Folk Dance, but Covid derailed this bill in the Kansas State Legislature. With Allen’s guidance and coordination, 3 annual dances have been held at the Kansas State Fair with dancers from across the state promoting square dancing to fair goers.

Allen and Marcia have attended week-long caller schools as well as many 1-day seminars as Allen seeks to improve his skills and make square dancing more interesting for the dancers. Allen is a member of CALLERLAB and they have attended 4 CALLERLAB conventions. Allen has accepted many requests to do 1-time events for schools, church groups, family reunions, community events, and children’s activities. Anyone from 4-year olds to the nursing home residents!

People have asked Marcia and Allen if they danced all of those years or took a break while the children were growing up. The answer is YES, all of those 57 years, including dancing through 3 pregnancies that all ended with a trip to the hospital that kept them away from a dance that night! The family includes Janelle; Karen, the queen of half-pots, who passed away July 12, 2023; and Scott, along with his wife Alicia. Allen and Marcia will tell you that square dancing has been a shared activity for a great 57 years with many wonderful friends.